German Nudists At War
Germany's official nudist clubs are
growing angry at what they call "wild nudists."
During the heatwave of July 2003, many naturist organisations were
dismayed at the number of people simply stripping off and sunbathing
naked in the nation's parks.
The main concern is that "wild nudists" are giving paid-up
nudist club members a bad name. Waltzer Nussbaumer, president of the Association
for Free Life Form, accused the nude sunbathers of exhibitionism,
and said it looked "sleazy."
are important to us. We care about a decent club life in which
family togetherness and sport counts. There's absolutely nothing
erotic about 200 people jumping around naked."
There are over 50,000 organised naturalists in Germany alone.
war begins between German nudists - Expatica and DPA

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