Is a Naked Man Photo a Naked Man Photo for Women?
Sounds like a dumb
question? Well, it's not really. So many adult sites on the
internet are for men, and this is also the case when it comes to
sites featuring naked men. The vast majority are aimed at gay men,
not women. And even sites that are supposedly created for women
just feature gay photos and advertisements. Why?
Well, the standard view is that "women don't like porn".
Most adult site operators don't believe that women enjoy looking
at photos of naked men - or any kind of sexually explicit material
at all. Hence the proliferation of naked men sites that cater only
to gay men. Even
typing in "naked straight men" doesn't necessarily help.
The naked men may well be straight, but it's still presented for
gays, and so you get all those open bum and leather pics that we
just don't want. So
when is a naked man a "naked man for women"? My criteria
follow these lines: they have to look straight. This means he's
not wearing leather chaps or collars, there's no rainbow flags
anywhere, and he doesn't look gay. I realise that's
stereotypical, but it can't be helped. More importantly, he's not
holding his butt cheeks apart. This is extremely offputting to
heterosexual women. We're not interested in his asshole. We want
cock!! Some
of the things I personally find sexy are half-revealed cocks in
boxers, smouldering looks, costumes (like cowboys, firemen etc),
ripped jeans, muscular torso (but not TOO heavily built), pert
butts (not open!), and long dicks. And if I like these things, I
can assume that some other women will like them too.
There are a growing number of sites that feature naked men photos
for women. These are specially-created women's erotica sites that
have selected the best looking naked men pictures and weeded out
the gay stuff. Chief among these is For
The Girls, a women's ezine with plenty of naked male

Naked men at For The Girls Ezine and Erotica for Women